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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ( . рус Обитель Зла 3: Немезиc ) BIO HAZARD 3 LAST ESCAPE ( . яп バイオハザードスリーラストエスケープ Баио Хадза: до Сури: Русуто Есукэ: пу ? , Биологическая угроза 3 Последний побег)  - видеоигра жанра survival horror , являющаяся продолжением Resident Evil 2 , разработанная и изданная компанией Capcom . Первоначально вышла для игровой приставки PlayStation , а затем была портирована для платформ Dreamcast , Microsoft Windows и Nintendo GameCube . Кроме того, игра доступна для скачивания на канале PlayStation Network для использования на платформах PlayStation 3 и PlayStation Portable .

The first half of the game reproduces the events that took place the day before the events of Resident Evil 2 , while the second half deals with the events that took place two days later. Game reveals details of infection T-virus residents of Raccoon City , talks about the fate of some of the survivors and ends at the moment when the city ceases to exist.

Storyline Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was the basis for the film Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse , which was released in theaters in 2004.

Novelty in a series of games has been the emergence of armed enemy boss Nemesis ( eng.  Nemesis ), the experimental sample of the " tyrant ", aimed at search and destroy team members« STARS ». Nemesis can run, use the manual rocket launcher, evade shots and chase their prey, opening the door. Nemesis is encountered in the game several times, being both intermediate and final boss.

Unlike previous games in the series, this game has only one main character - Jill Valentine. However, there is one more playable character - Carlos, part of the plot, the player controls them.

In the third game of the series improved maneuverability of the character: You can now evade enemies, there is no need to press the action button to climb the stairs, you can quickly turn 180 degrees, which has become commonplace in all subsequent games of the series.

The game system is implemented creating ammunition in which any kind of ammunition can be created using found gunpowder and a special tool, or mixing the powder with the standard charges for the grenade launcher. For the first time in the games in the series it is possible to blow up the enemy shots in the barrels of fuel, or explosive charges hanging on the walls in some places.

The game is replete with a variety of original puzzles . Some of them are designed for intuitive, there are also those who require a basic knowledge of arithmetic . First in a series of games appear puzzle whose solution presupposes that playing a musical ear . Some puzzles have different solutions, not repeated during the second and subsequent playthroughs.

Some objects and things in the game are distributed randomly, which allows not to reduce to the game player's interest during the second and subsequent playthroughs.

Jill will choose to fight with the monster, or to take refuge in the police station. To enhance the effect of terror and inevitability, the screen is transformed into a negative.
Several times in the game there are moments when you need to make a vital choice. At such moments, the picture on the screen freezes as a negative image, and the player is invited to choose one of two actions. On your selection depends on the further development and even the finale of the game. The choices are limited time, after which any harm to healthy Jill, or she dies.

After the game, the main menu is accessible mini-game called The Mercenaries - Operation: Mad Jackal . The player can choose one of three characters: Charles, Michael and Nicholas. Each of them has its own set of weapons and medicine, so to pass the script uses its own strategy. The purpose of the mini-games - for a limited time to get from the cable car , temporary deployment of mercenaries, to the office of the warehouse and defuse your character, otherwise, the passage of time, the player's character dies. For evading enemies and killing time increases. Moreover, the greater will simultaneously killed antagonists, the more will the bonus time. In addition, the mini-game, there are six secret locations, visit which also increases the time available for the passage of the script. In addition, there are six hostages freed where you can get extra ammo and medicine [1] .

Also, as a bonus for completing the main scenario of the game Jill gets new costumes, their number depends on the dialed rating (in the PC version all the costumes are unlocked from the beginning of the game). Each new passage of the basic scenario is gradually opening up one of the eight pages of the epilogue, which tells about the fate of characters in the first, second and third games in the series.

Events in the game began on 28 September 1998 and ending October 1, 1998. The main character, a member of the police party " STARS "Jill Valentine is trying to leave a burning and flooded with zombie town Raccoon City . Jill goes to the scene of his former job - the police department and there meets his colleague - Pilot «STARS» Brad Vickers. On her eyes Vickers killed by a terrible monster Nemesis creation corporation Umbrella . In Umbrella believe that a police officer of «STARS» know the truth about the activities of the corporation in the Arklay Mountains and to eliminate witnesses Umbrella detachment monster mutant Nemesis . Then Jill meets soldier service to counter biological contamination Corporation («UBCS») - Carlos Oliveira, Michael Warren and Nicholas Zhinoveva. Together with them, Jill leaves the dangerous area on the tram; Nicholas lost along the way, Michael sacrifices himself for the sake of others, and Jill and Carlos suffer shipwreck. The tram is broken, and the heroes are separated.

Puzzle with the goddess of time in the back room of the chapel
Jill and Carlos find each other in a planned evacuation point - the chapel. Jill gives a signal the helicopter, ring the bell, but Nemesis destroys the helicopter flew to attack Jill. She manages to win a temporary victory, but Nemesis infects her with the virus. Tired, devoid of consciousness Jill finds Carlos. He carries her to a safe place in the chapel, and he goes to a nearby hospital for vaccine research. Just at this time the event starts from the game Resident Evil 2  - Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfield come to town.

At the hospital, Carlos meets Nicholas. Nicholas tells him his secret: in fact, he - Supervisor Corporation, and its task - to collect information on the ability of soldiers to resist biological weapons. The hospital also hiding a wounded soldier «UBCS» Tyrell Patrick, who undermines himself with a traitor Nicholas. However, Nicholas succeeds at the last moment to jump out the window. He undermines the building of the hospital, but Carlos vaccine produces and manages to leave the building before it exploded. Unscathed, he returned to the chapel to Jill. To help her, he warns Jill a traitor and sent on his way. Jill, in search of a way out of the city wanders into the park, where finds a house protection with a secret stronghold of Nicholas. Here she learns about the corporation plans regarding Raccoon City. Here comes Nicholas himself, who tells Jill about his mission. Nicholas tries to kill Jill, but she manages to escape. However, her head falls serious test: a giant worm with which we fight.

Caught in an abandoned factory corporation Umbrella, Jill again meets Carlos, who tells her that the city will soon be destroyed by a nuclear strike from the air by order of the United States Government, as the measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus proved useless. Heroes are divided to find a way out, and Jill again meets Nicholas. Nicholas gladly tells her that he had killed the other supervisors and now it is waiting for a huge reward for the data collected on the T-virus. But here Nicholas or killed by the Nemesis, or hijacks a helicopter (but there are 2 options: either it will be shot down, or just fly away). At this point, the security alarm is activated, a warning that the approaching missile with a nuclear warhead, and the staff is still fifteen minutes to evacuate. Jill has to fight with the mutated form of Nemesis, this time a monster is destroyed by a shot from a railgun . Carlos along with Jill find a helicopter or Barry Burton arrives and saves them. Rocket reaches the goal, and the city of Raccoon City ceases to exist.

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Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Rip PC Game Free Download Direct Links

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Rip PC Game Free Download Direct Links

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Rip PC Game Free Download Direct Links

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Rip PC Game Free Download Direct Links

Resident Evil 3 Minimum System Requirements

CPU:Pentium2 266MHz or higher
RAM:64M or higher
VGA:DirectDraw supporting board 
DX: Please use Direct X6.1 or higher
Operating System: Win XP, 98, or 7
Sound:Sound Card : Direct Sound supporting board
Resolution:640x480 dots or higher

How to download Resident Evil 3
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